Exporting Data from Vitera Medical Manager

Exporting Data from Vitera Medical Manager

NOTE: These details are for informational purposes only and our support team does not support Medical Manager. PracticeAdmin is not liable for any errors that may be caused by these instructions. Any use of this material is at your own risk.

Medical Manager, a practice management system currently owned by Vitera, stores its data in a series of files on the hard drive of the server where it is installed. These files are named with *.dat, *.dme, and *.dct extensions.

Medical Manager files have a fixed record length, but the actual fields are variable length, with a maximum for each field. The record length is the sum of the individual field lengths plus the overhead for the commas and quotes. The record is padded with spaces out to that fixed record length.

For a patient data import into PracticeAdmin ProviderSuite, the necessary Medical Manager files are:

  1. patfile.dat (patient demographics)
  2. depfile.dat (dependents, if the practice uses family accounts)
  3. iprfile.dat (insured parties)
  4. insfile.dat (insurance policies)
  5. clmfile.dat (insurance companies)
  6. psrfile.dat (facilities)
  7. aptfile.dat (appointments)
  8. rsnfile.dat (appointment reasons)
  9. comfile.dat (patient and appointment comments)
  10. drfile.dat (doctors (providers))
  11. reffile.dat (referring providers)


Attached is a Medical Manager file layout for version 9.30. Medical Manager adds fields onto the end of the records with each new version, so the fields on these layouts are accurate, but it’s not a complete listing for version 11.1. 




C. 1 FILE NO.  17   Doctor File
File No. : 17         Name:                  drfile.dat    Record Length:  880
Access : Random - 3 Indexes, pointer  Index: drfile.ndx    Record Layouts:   1
Description   This file holds doctor information with
              Period-to-Date and Year-to-Date totals.
#  FIELD NAME          DESC                       LEN1,2     TYPE    REMARKS
1  dr_op_              Vacancy link/user #        4,0        INT
2  dr__no_             Doctor #                   3,1        INT     Record #-2
3  dr_name_            Last Name                 18,3        STR     rec 2 practice name len 35
4  dr_fname_           First Name                12,3        STR     rec 2 empty
5  dr_mi_              Middle Initial             1,3        STR
6  dr_addr_            Address                   25,3        STR
7  dr_city_            City                      15,3        STR
8  dr_state_           State                      3,3        STR
9  dr_zip_             Zipcode                   10,3        STR
10 dr_state_id_        State ID                  20,3        STR
11 dr_phone_           Phone #                   10,1        REAL/PHONE
12 dr_ssn_             Social Security #          9,1        REAL/SSN
13 dr_empl_id_         Employer ID               20,3        STR
14 dr_oth_id_          Other ID                  20,3        STR
15 dr_mcaid_id_        Medicaid ID               20,3        STR
16 dr_wcomp_id_        Worker's Comp ID          20,3        STR
17 dr_blue_id_         Blue Cross/Shield ID      20,3        STR
18 dr_mcare_id_        Medicare ID               20,3        STR
19 dr_profile_pc_      (Reserved)                 4,1        REAL
20 dr_ptd_chgs_        PTD Charges               11,1        REAL
21 dr_ptd_rcts_        PTD Receipts              11,1        REAL
22 dr_ptd_adjs_        PTD Adjusts               11,1        REAL
23 dr_ytd_chgs_        YTP Charges               11,1        REAL
24 dr_ytd_rcts_        YTP Receipts              11,1        REAL
25 dr_ytd_adjs_        YTP Adjusts               11,1        REAL
26 dr_ar_              Doctor A/R                11,1        REAL
27 dr_ptd_proc_        PTD # Procedures           8,1        REAL
28 dr_YTD_proc_        YTP # Procedures           8,1        REAL
29 dr_usr_id_          User ID                    5,1        INT
30 dr_ytd_pat_         (Reserved)                 8,1        REAL
31 dr_extra4_          (Reserved)                12,1        REAL
32 dr_ptd_tax_         PTD Tax                    8,1        REAL
33 dr_ytd_tax_         YTP Tax                    8,1        REAL
34 dr_ptd_int_         PTD Service Charges        8,1        REAL
35 dr_ytd_int_         YTP Service Charges        8,1        REAL
36 dr_fee_             Fee Schedule               3,1        INT     (1 through highest defined schedule)
37 dr_m_profile_       Medicare Profile           3,1        INT     (0 through highest defined schedule)
38 dr_m_fee_           Medicare Fee               3,1        INT     (0 through highest defined schedule)
39 dr_ptd_pat_rcts_    PTD Patient Receipts      10,1        REAL
40 dr_ptd_ins_rcts_    PTD Ins Receipts          10,1        REAL
41 dr_ptd_oth_rcts_    PTD Other Receipts        10,1        REAL
42 dr_ptd_mcare_rct_   PTD Medicare Receipts     10,1        REAL
43 dr_ptd_refunds_     PTD Refunds               10,1        REAL
44 dr_ytd_pat_rcts_    YTP Patient Receipts      10,1        REAL
45 dr_ytd_ins_rcts_    YTP Ins Receipts          10,1        REAL
46 dr_ytd_oth_rcts_    YTP Other Receipts        10,1        REAL
47 dr_ytd_mcare_rcts_  YTP Medicare Receipts     10,1        REAL
48 dr_ytd_refunds_     YTP Refunds               10,1        REAL
49 dr_alt_tmplt_       Start Alt Template         8,1        DATE    rec 2 start Alt Room

50 dr_end_tmplt_       Template End Date          8,1        DATE    rec 2 prop thru Room

51 dr_class_           Class                      2,3        STR

52 dr_2id_             Other ID 2                20,3        STR

53 dr_3id_             Other ID 3                20,3        STR
54 dr_4id_             Other ID 4                20,3        STR
55 dr_5id_             Other ID 5                20,3        STR
56 dr_6id_             UPIN #                    20,3        STR
57 dr_dept_            Department #               2,1        INT
58 dr_sec_grp_         Security Group             2,1        INT
59 dr_grp_             Financial Group            2,1        INT
60 dr_start_weeks_     Template Start Weeks       8,1        DATE    rec 2 start room weeks
61 dr_num_weeks_       # Rotating Weeks           1,1        INT     rec 2 room # weeks
62 dr_p_prepaid_       PTD Prepaid/Capitation    11,1        REAL
63 dr_y_prepaid_       YTP Prepaid/Capitation    11,1        REAL
64 dr_p_copay_         PTD Copay                 10,1        REAL
65 dr_y_copay_         YTP Copay                 10,1        REAL
66 dr_p_conrec_        (Reserved)                11,1        REAL
67 dr_y_conrec_        (Reserved)                11,1        REAL
68 dr_p_defrev_        (Reserved)                11,1        REAL
69 dr_y_defrev_        (Reserved)                11,1        REAL
70 dr_loc_             Default Location           2,3        STR
71 dr_refdr_           Referring Doctor           4,1        INT
72 dr_flags_           (Reserved)                 8,3        STR
73 dr_extras_          (Reserved)                 5,3        STR
TOTAL                                        ** 880 **
#   Fields In Key      Len           Remarks
-------------------    ---           -------
3,4 dr_lname_+dr_fname_ 18    L
++  ctree unique         4   
TOTAL KEY LEN           22
#   Fields In Key     Len           Remarks
-------------------   ---           -------
51  dr_class           1    R
2   dr_no_             3    R
TOTAL KEY LEN          4
#   Fields In Key     Len           Remarks
-------------------   ---           -------
71  dr_refdr_          4    R
TOTAL KEY LEN          4
     Relating Field                File Name     Method
2    dr_no_                        dr2file.dat   pointer
Index Justification Key: R=Right, L=Left, V=Variable




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