Users have access to the Bulk Rebill function for the following buckets in the Today Screen:
Statements Not Going - when claims reflect a $0 balance
Rjctd by Clearinghouse/Payor - when claims rejected due to core account information that has since been updated
Pending Payer Paper Claim - When
multiple claims for one payer are dropping to paper. After the payer ID has been added/updated, use the Advanced Claim Management tool to filter the associated claims.
From the Today Screen, select one of the buckets listed above:
Using the Advanced Claim Management tool, select the claims you wish to filter and Apply Filters to
select the claims from the area on the right before you click the Bulk Rebill button.
Once you have selected your filter(s) and click Apply Filters, the claims that apply will turn beige in the area on the right:
Select "Bulk Rebill." The feature will post a rebill for all the claims highlighted in beige in the claim bucket and generate new claims for submission, or for Statements Not Going will clear those claims from this bucket. You will have the option to select any additional transaction code to add to the claim transaction detail. For Rejected Claims, check the "Take these claims off hold" box. Click OK.
Use the Refresh button on the Today Screen to confirm the claims are in Awaiting Claim File Creation or the Statements Not Going have left the bucket.