Note: You must be an "Account Manager" user in ProviderSuite to perform this task. If you do not have access to the Setup tab in the ProviderSuite, please forward these instructions to another user with Account Manager permissions.
Here are the steps to edit the default provider name for your practice. This is a three step process please follow all the steps listed below:
Start by Going to the Settings Tab / Account
Change the "Use tax ID from" option to (Each Provider)
Scroll down and click Update button
Now go to Settings Tab/ Providers
Select the provider " *** "
Click the Edit Provider Info button
In the field labelled "Pay to Name (CMS 1500 33)" Enter your name as you want it to appear in Box 33
Scroll down and click the Save Provider Info button
Now go back to the Settings Tab/ Account screen
Change the "Use Tax ID from" back to "The Account"
Scroll Down and click the Update button.
Close any sessions of the Billing Manager and launch a new session. Next time you release a claim the selected Provider will default in the Billing Provider information for printed and EDI claims.