Receivables Statement Setup

Receivables Statement Setup

Receivables Statement Setup

Under Admin

Practice Settings
Select Practice

Under 01. General
Enable STA/DL Printing-Change to True

Under 04. Statements
Enable Statements-Change to True
User Claim to Perform Approval-Select bucket, if any, to have statements that need approval worked if set to no approval statements go into the holding bucket
Number of Statements to Send- Unlike Practice Manager, statements do go on indefinitely without DL letter, set to a very high number (200-500) if a practice wants unlimited statements

Under 05. Delinquency Letters
Same steps at 04
Need Delinquency Code Letters

Under 09. Address
Add Mail and Return address
If needing by facility, this is set up in a separate location
Phone Text Field-Need number plus any text set up in this field or only phone number will print
Practice Message-Separate message as needed

Under 10. Credit Cards
Turn any section to true if the practice accepts that type of credit card

Collection Process
Facility Settings-For by facility printing
Development needs to set up in the db, non-person facility in order for the facility address to be used
Check Printing Enabled
Separate Printing
Use Facility Address

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