ProviderSuite > Settings > Statements
When claims are released, our statement engine runs to set up the account according to the set of account rules. Similarly, when payments are processed, this same engine gives the account another work-over to update the statement and patient flags. On the patient form Statement tab in Billing, the first section shows the date that the next statement is due to be sent, the statement type (Insurance, Patient, Pre-Collection, Final Notice), and the date that this account will become Past Due. Also, it shows the text of the dunning message that is set to go on the next statement. Lastly, a force next statement check box will allow you to bring the statement due date forward to the current date – this will also run the statement engine to change any settings that could be affected by the statement going on what is now a new date.
ProviderSuite features fully integrated and automated statement management. In addition, patient accounts can automatically be rolled over into Pre-Collections status and start receiving pre-collections letters instead of statements.
ProviderSuite statement data is generated automatically early each weekday while we sleep (or should be sleeping!). The statement file is then transmitted to a bulk mail processor in the morning, who in turn prints and mails each statement with a return envelope, all within 24 hours of our file transmission to them.
Each ProviderSuite account has the option to have statements transmitted daily (Monday to Friday) or to choose the day(s) of the week that they prefer. The majority of our customers choose the daily option. ProviderSuite also provides the option to communicate your acceptance of any of the major credit cards on your statements.
Precollect and Collection Settings
Statement Settings
ProviderSuite provides a range of short messages that you can choose from that will be appended to statements as “dunning messages.” You can select messages for each of the aging brackets: 0-30, 30-60, or 60-90. These would then be selected according to the age of the oldest claim in the account relevant to the type of statement.