ProviderSuite WebApp 8.3 Release Notes

ProviderSuite WebApp 8.3 Release Notes

ProviderSuite 8.3 Release Notes
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ProviderSuite Web App 8.3

PBI 1798: Redesigned Login Page

PBI 1781: Added “Patients” tab

PBI 118: Added print feature for Scanned Ins Cards and Driver’s Licenses

PBI 2508: Added Ins Plan ID to Insurance List

PBI 1402: Added Text Search option on Settings > Insurance

PBI 2504: Removed block on future dates on Patient Payments screen

PBI 2387: Changed Launch button script for ProviderSuite applets to be compatible with Microsoft Edge

PBI 1945: Added warning when trying to launch applets user is not on a Windows computer or if no ClickOnce extension installed

PBI 2345: Enabled warning about Group NPI on Provider Screen when using Google Chrome

PBI 2441: Updated Settings > Facilities screen

PBI 124: Added option to exclude Unreleased Claims from certain DOS and ATB reports

PBI 2710: Updated Days OS calculation on Unpaid Claims report

PBI 2480: Removed “All Patients” option from Patient Itemized Statements reports

PBI 114: Enhanced Eligibility Results

PBI 2513: Updated Cookies issued by ProviderSuite to explicitly support SameSite attribute

Bug 2470: Fixed Reset Password issue on the My Profile screen

PBI 2473: Added "Adjustment 03d - 25 Modifier" adjustment code

PBI 1798: Redesigned Login Page

The PracticeAdmin ProviderSuite login page has been re-designed with new graphics and a new layout.

PBI 1781: Added “Patients” tab

A new tab named “Patients” has been added after Appointments tab with features to search for Patients and view Patient Data. 

Users will be able to Search Patients with different parameters. A note "This is a read-only view. To add/edit patient data, please use the Billing or Scheduling applet."

In future releases, users will be able to add patients and edit patients on this tab.

Users are able to add new columns to view additional details of the patients.

PBI 118: Added print feature for Scanned Ins Cards and Driver’s Licenses

Added a Print or Export option to Patient Demographics to enable users to get copies of the scanned images stored in PAblob database. Error message if unsuccessful "The image(s) cannot be retrieved due to an unknown error."

PBI 2508: Added Ins Plan ID to Insurance List 

Setting > Insurance > Show Insurance Plan > A new column “Plan ID” added between A/C and Insurance Type column.

This column shows the non-editable numeric plan ID ( the internal,  unique ID assigned by ProviderSuite when a plan is added.) 

Other UI edits on the same workspace 

  1. Changed label "Zip" on Sort By radio button to "ZIP Code"

  2. Added column heading to first column "Action"

  3. Changed column heading "Payor ID" to "Payer ID"

  4. Changed column heading "Zip" to "ZIP Code"

PBI 1402: Added Text Search option on Settings > Insurance

Users can now search for an Insurance Plan on Settings > Insurance with free text search option on Insurance Plan Name.

PBI 2504: Removed block on future dates on Patient Payments screen

User are now will be able to add future dates on Patient Payments Screen for date controls 

“Date Received” and “DOS”

PBI 2387: Changed Launch button script for ProviderSuite applets to be compatible with Microsoft Edge

With the new version update of Microsoft Edge browser software, the current script used to launch applets has been made compatible.

Using latest version of Edge with edge://flags/#edge-click-once enabled, the following applets will now launch:

  1. Billing

  2. Support Tool

  3. Scheduling

  4. Receivables Client

  5. Receivables Settings

PBI 1945: Added warning when trying to launch applets user is not on a Windows computer or if no ClickOnce extension installed

  1. Upon clicking one the several Launch buttons, if OS Detected is anything other than Microsoft Windows, the following pop-up message with an OK button to close is displayed:

    "Your computer's operating system does not support Microsoft ClickOnce applications. Please switch to a computer running a compatible operating system. If you need assistance, please contact the support department."

  1. If OS Detected = Windows and browser is Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, and the Launch buttons don't work due to missing support in that browser for opening ClickOnce applications, the following pop-up message with an OK button to close is displayed:

    "Your browser is not currently configured to launch Microsoft ClickOnce applications. Please update your browser to include support for ClickOnce applications by installing an appropriate extension, add-on, or plug-in. If you need assistance, please contact the support department."

These are the list of extensions supported for each browser.

  1. Google Chrome - version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) or above

    1. ClickOnce for Google Chrome

    2. Meta4 ClickOnce Launcher

    3. Windows Remix ClickOnce Helper

  2. Microsoft Edge - Version 87.0.664.66 (Official build) (64-bit)

    1. With #edge-click-once flag not Enabled, applets would not launch

    2. With #edge-click-once flag set to Enabled, applets not launch

  3. Mozilla Firefox

    1. Breez Click once

    2. Logality Click once

  4. Microsoft Internet Explorer - version 11

    1. Launches applets without any extensions

PBI 2345: Enabled warning about Group NPI on Provider Screen when using Google Chrome

When Adding or Editing a Provider on Settings > Providers, if you enter the account's Group NPI (from Settings > Account > Commonly Used Group Numbers > NPI) and press Save and warning should appear but was not when using Google Chrome. This has been fixed.

(Note: edites toProvider NPI are not logged in the ProviderSuite audit log.)

PBI 2441: Updated Settings > Facilities screen

On the Settings > Facilities sceen,

The following UI changes were made: 

  1. Change section title (but not sub-tab name) from Facilities to "Facility Profile"

  2. Rename label "Select Facility" to "Select Facility Profile"

  3. Rename label " Facility Name" to "Facility Profile Name"

  4. Change "Create New" from a button to a hyperlink named "Add Facility Profile" Please link in upper-left corner (like Add Provider link is in upper-left of Settings > Providers

  5. Rename button title of "Delete Selected Facility" to "Delete Facility Profile"

  6. Rename "Facility Help" hyperlink to "Facility Profile Help" and move to upper-right

  1. Rename label "Zip + 4"  to "ZIP + 4"

  2. Change warning text in PIN section at bottom from "PIN # (This is NOT for provider PIN#'s, but is for facilities that have been credentialed as a 'provider', and have been issued a specific PIN# for that purpose - this would print in CMS-1500 box 32)" to "Facility PINs (This is not for Provider PINs, but is for Facilities that have been credentialed as a "Provider" and have been issued a PIN for use in CMS-1500 Item 32.)"

  3. Change drop-down label " --Add pin for all insurance types--" to "--Add PIN for all Insurance Types--"

  4. Rename link "Add New" to "Add"

PBI 124: Added option to exclude Unreleased Claims from certain DOS and ATB reports

A check box on the report parameters screen added for all the ATB reports that will allow claims that have been Saved but not been Released to be excluded from the reports.

  1. Added checkbox labeled "Exclude Unreleased Claims"

  2. Default value is unchecked.

  3. If, and only if, checked, will not include the following claim statuses when generating the report:

    1. For Review

    2. For Client Review

    3. For Billing Approval

    4. Pre-released

Reports updated: 

  1. ATB by Patient - Summary

  2. ATB by Category - Summary

  3. ATB by Payer - Summary

  4. ATB by Patient - Detail

  5. ATB by Payer - Detail

  6. ATB by Category - Detail

  7. ATB by Category - Extended Aging

PBI 2710: Updated Days OS calculation on Unpaid Claims report

Added condition to calculate DayOS column based on input parameter (DOS/Accounting period).

PBI 2480: Removed “All Patients” option from Patient Itemized Statements reports

‘All Patients’ options removed from Patient Itemized Statement and Patient Itemized statement All by DOS’ report.

PBI 114: Enhanced Eligibility Results

In prior versions, for real-time eligibility check, if the Provider identifier is invalid/missing, the response shown is "Not Eligible". Instead, a change has been made such that, for such cases the response is now shown as "Missing Provider ID".

PBI 2513: Updated Cookies issued by ProviderSuite to explicitly support SameSite attribute

The recent update of Google Chrome changed the cookie behavior, due to which the ProviderSuite cookies failed during logging in and in a few other scenarios after logging into the site.

In order to resolve this issue, a new build of WebApp is deployed with setting the same site attribute as 'None' and also setting the cookie as secure explicitly.

Bug 2470: Fixed Reset Password issue on the My Profile screen

Fixed an issue where users were unable to update their password on My Profile > Change Password screen.

PBI 2473: Added "Adjustment 03d - 25 Modifier" adjustment code

Added adjustment code "Adjustment 03d - 25 Modifier".

PBI 2576: Added "CS Cost-Sharing Waived" modifier

Added Modifier CS Cost-Sharing Waived to modifier list.

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