Post Payment / Move Payment from Unapplied

Post Payment / Move Payment from Unapplied

 Here are the steps for posting Unapplied Payments:

1. Unapplied payments can be posted using the Payment Application. You can get there by clicking on Payments, Payment Application. 
2. Now Click on Batch, then select New to make the Batch Proof $0.00 balance.
3. Click on New (white paper) Payment in the batch, you will then see a Red Unapplied payments button, click to show all Unapplied payments. 
4. Locate the patient you are wanting to post for. Highlight the patient and click OK. 
5. Now you can highlight the service line you want to apply the payment to. Look to the bottom of the screen and make sure the amount is correct and then press the + add button. 
6. It will then prompt you to apply additional unapplied amounts to the next service line.
7. Click the Save button to post the payments.

To post another Unapplied payment start at #3 in the same batch.

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