How to use Mail Merge to Print Labels from ProviderSuite using Excel and Word

How to use Mail Merge to Print Labels from ProviderSuite using Excel and Word

How to use Mail Merge to Print Labels from ProviderSuite using Excel and Word 2010

  1. From Reports run Report “Patient List By Address Detail”
  2. Click Open in Excel
  3. Remove Report Name Header
  4. Remove Columns - A/C#, SSN, Work Phone, Home Phone and Email
  5. Select Entire worksheet
  6. Click highlighted buttons Wrap Text and Merge & Center to remove
  7. Remove the row between the header and the first patient’s name
  8. Next we need to split the patient name into two columns
  9. Insert four columns to the right of patient name
  10. Highlight Patient Name column
  11. Click Data tab
  12. Text to Columns
  13. Choose Delimited-Next
  14. Delimiter Check Space
  15. Column data format-General
  16. Finish
  17. Rename Columns Patient to First Name and add header of Last Name to the new last name column
  18. Remove Extra columns between Last Name and Address 1
  19. Rename worksheet to Mail, save document as Mail 1
  20. Open Microsoft Word
  21. Select Mailings tab
  22. Click Start Mail Merge select down triangle
  23. Select Step by Step mail merge wizard
  24. Select document type as labels
  25. Select Use the current document
  26. Select Label Options
  27. Choose the label type (e.g. 30 per page height 1”)
  28. Click Next
  29. Use an existing list should be selected
  30. Click Browse
  31. Find Mail 1 excel document
  32. Select Mail 1 Document
  33. Select Mail 1 Document as the data source
  34. Click Next
  35. Select Address block
  36. Can use arrows to preview your labels, click ok
  37. Select Update all labels
  38. Next preview labels
  39. Next complete the merge
  40. Print *You might have to bring them forward to view a certain amount

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