There no prior or unposted transaction prior to this patient yet whenever you try to post a payment, a message pops up 'This claim was awaiting transaction processing when you pulled up the claim data, but has since finished processing. You must refresh the claim list before posting transactions to this claim. Would you like to refresh now?' If you click yes and try posting the payment again, it brings up the same error message.
There is again some records in transaction detail preprocessing without record in transaction preprocessing. Used the below scripts to help find the claims.
SELECT tdp.* FROM transaction_detail_preprocessing tdp
INNER JOIN claims c ON tdp.claim_id = c.claim_id
WHERE c.claim_id =
SELECT ts.description, t.* FROM transaction_preprocessing t
INNER JOIN transaction_status ts ON t.status = ts.status
WHERE trans_id_preprocessing =
SELECT p.acct_number, tdp.*
FROM transaction_detail_preprocessing tdp
INNER JOIN claims c ON tdp.claim_id = c.claim_id
INNER JOIN patients p on c.patient_id = p.patient_id
--WHERE trans_desc_id = 310
WHERE trans_id_preprocessing = 9031561
SELECT tdp.*
FROM transaction_detail_preprocessing tdp
INNER JOIN claims c ON tdp.claim_id = c.claim_id
--WHERE trans_desc_id = 310
WHERE c.claim_id = 10025831
Used the delete script to remove
delete from transaction_detail_preprocessing where claim_id = and trans_id_preprocessing =