ProviderSuite gives users the options to either post pre-collected copays/coinsurance/deductibles to a patient's claim, to a claim as "unapplied" or to the patient's unapplied funds. If you find yourself reversing these pre-collected payments due to the claim finalizing not as expected, you can follow the steps below to hold the funds in the patient's unapplied funds until the claim finalizes to avoid any of those extra reversals/transactions. Here are the steps for adding a patient pre-payment/deposit from PracticeAdmin Billing Manager.
Note- Currently you cannot add a patient co-pay from the PracticeAdmin Scheduling Manager.
1. From PracticeAdmin Billing Manager in the upper left corner click on the Practice Management dropdown list.
2. Go to Payments and then click on Patient Payments.
3. A small box will pop up, click New, and enter the patient payment details.
4. Click Print Receipt on Saving if you want to print a receipt for the patient.
5. Click Enter DOS if the claim has not been entered. If the claim has been entered, you can use the Select Claim option. Do not select Apply to Claim if Possible, in the Posting Action box.
6. Select from Posting Action, Post to claim as unapplied if you want the payment to post to the claim as an unapplied payment. Post as unapplied-do not post to claim, when you want the payment to post to the patient's account to be applied manually later.
7. Select the reason that most closely matches the unapplied payment reason. In most instances, it will be a prepayment/deposit.
8. Make sure to click Save when you have completed entering the payment details.