ERA Error - Description - Cannot remove more money than paid by debtor

ERA Error - Description - Cannot remove more money than paid by debtor

If you have the ERA Error-Error Description: Cannot remove more money than paid by the debtor, please follow the steps below to resolve. 

To remove this error, you will need to remove the lines that have been posted that are moving money to unapplied.  Because you are removing lines that have been posted, we suggested that you print out the ERA details for the affected claim in question in case you need to re-post some of the payments. 

From the Batch 
1) Click Edit
2) Click the General Tab
3) Make sure you have the correct patient claim's listed in the drop-down list
4) Select the incorrect line (Move Payment to Unapplied) 
5) Click Remove
6)The pop-up box may have a message that says, Removing this payment detail will also remove all other payment details for the same claim line. Would you like to continue?
Click yes
7) This will remove all payment details posted together for a CPT code. You may need to reenter other posting details from the General or the ERA Details screen.
Repeat steps 4-7 for each incorrect (Move Payment to Unapplied) 
Once all incorrect lines have been removed and any other lines have been re-posted
8) Click Save
After the payment has been processed again, the batch error will be removed. 

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