Document Attachments

Document Attachments

Attachment feature in Patient Notes

Ever wanted to attach an EOB, Denial Letter, or other document to a Patient in ProviderSuite? Now you can with the Attachment feature in the Billing applet.

With Attachments, you can upload any PDF, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG file (with 20 MB maximum file size per attachment limit) into Billing and link it to a Patient Note for easy retrieval at any time.

To use this new feature, go to ProviderSuite > Launch Billing > Patients > (select a patient) > Notes.

On the Notes screen, create a new Note linked to a Patient (not a Claim) with the Flag Type None and then click the new Paperclip icon. You will then see a window where you can browse your computer’s file system and select any PDF, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG formatted file to attach. There can be only one attachment per note.

Once the file is attached and the Note saved, the file name will appear just above the note contents box and also in the new Attachment column in the Note List at the bottom of the screen.

To view the attachment, select the appropriate note and then click on the hyperlinked file name. The attachment will download and will be opened by Microsoft Windows based on your particular settings, e.g. PDF files opened by Adobe Reader, JPEG opened by Microsoft Paint, etc.

To remove an attachment, select the appropriate note and click on the Trash Can icon to the right of the file name.

Documents tab used as search screen for Attachments

Documents is where users can search for files uploaded and attached to Patient Notes in ProviderSuite. Attachments to Notes is a feature available in the Billing Manager.

When the Documents tab is clicked by user, a screen will display where users can search for Attachments:

  1. Search boxes:

    1. Note Date From and Note Date To range (default is blank for both)

    2. Note Text (default is blank, use wildcard search * before and after user entered text)

    3. File Name (default is blank, use wildcard search * before and after user entered text)

  2. Buttons: Search and Reset

    1. Search button executes a query for any attachments matching the search parameters (if no parameters entered, Search should retrieve all Attachments on that account)

    2. Reset clears out the parameters

  3. Search Results - will display the following six columns in our standard, sortable grid

    1. Pt Account (Pt Account Number)

    2. Patient (Pt Last Name, Pt First Name)

    3. Note Date (date note created)

    4. Note (contents of note)

    5. Attachment (file name of attachment)

    6. File Size (attachment size in megabytes)

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