If you are seeing an "Object Error" or an "Object Label Badly Formatted Error" message when Previewing Claims for printing, please follow these steps to resolve the issue. This error is caused by two fonts missing from your computer that are needed for previewing and printing the 1500 Claim Form. The solution to to install the two font files in the appropriate location on your computer.
Note: Before starting, save the two attachments on this ticket reply to your computer as you will need them later in the process.
1. Launch PracticeAdmin Billing Manager.
2. Open Windows Task Manager.(control + alt + delete) and select Task Manager
3. On the Processes tab of Task Manager, find the Billing Manager applet (it can be named PA Billing Manager for Windows 8 or PABillingDotNet in Windows 7).
4. Right-click on Billing Manager process and select Open File Location.
5. Locate the file named PrintFormTemplates path in the path that was opened - double-click to open the folder
6. Copy the arial.ttf and arialbd.ttf font files saved on your computer and paste into the PrintFormTemplates folder.
7. Close Billing Manager and then re-launch.