For adding new RJ Code please do the following steps:
1. Choose Common Page in Admin Settings Form.
2. Press button Edit in RJ Option Matrix groupbox (RJ Option matrix window will be shown).
3. In Practice name list choose “General Template”, choose any user class in user class list and any letter in code letter list (Buttons “Add RJ Code” , “Remove RJ Code” ,“Edit RJ Code” will be enabled).
4. Click “Add RJ Code…” button according to what you wish.
5. For creating RJ Code choose any code letter or “All letters”, input number and description (optional), press “Create” button. If RJ Code like this already exists system will notify you, else new RJ Code will be created. Creating RJ Code operation is very complex and may take several minutes. Please, wait.
For assigning workflow for new RJ Code, checkmark this RJ Code on left column and checkmark the box on the cross of RJ Code row and needed workflow column.
After you have added the new RJ code in Receivables Manager, please notify support staff so the code can be added to Billing Manager.